Methods of Payment
Cash, Check, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express, CareCredit, and Dental Insurance. Please remember you are responsible for all charges incurred. If you have a questions regarding your account, please contact us.
Self-Payment/No Insurance
If you have no dental insurance to use, the fee is to be paid in full on the day treatment is rendered. There is a 6% discount for balances paid in full on day of treatment.
Dental Insurance
We will assist you in submitting your dental insurance. However, your insurance contract is between you and your employer and the insurance company. As a courtesy to you, we will file your insurance. We ask that your estimated out of pocket and deductible be paid at the time of service. Not all services are a covered benefit with all insurance contracts. Please remember you are responsible for all charges incurred. If there is a remaining balance due after receipt of insurance payment, we will send you a statement. We will do our best to maximize your insurance reimbursement for covered procedures.